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01_The Song of the High Seas
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USS Beale DD/DDE - 471 Annual Reunion
March 27 - March 31, 2022
New Orleans, Louisiana
The Reunion that almost wasn't!
In October 2018, Diane Sorola volunteered to coordinate the
2020 Annual Reunion to be held in New Orleans.
Jambalaya, crawfish pie and file gumbo!
Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Well, then along came COVID! The Federal health authorities sent mixed messages to include dire warnings for the "aged" population. We are in that group. Accordingly, we opted to not risk the crew's health and postponed the 2020 Reunion until 2021. The entire crew was in total agreement with our decision. Without hesitation,
Diane Sorola agreed to coordinate the 2021 Reunion.
By the summer of 2021, COVID continued to wreak havoc. New and improved guidance and protocols were issued. Vaccinations were available. The aging Beale crew had VAX priorities. However, one could not be certain attending the Reunion would be a safe thing to do. So, it seemed 2021 would be cancelled or postponed. The decision became simpler when Hurricane Ida struck New Orleans. There was significant collateral damage to homes and businesses in NOLA and the surrounding area. Once again, the reunion was postponed, and the "Dauntless Diane" would try it again in 2022.
Late March was selected primarily because there are no hurricanes in early Spring; the weather is cool with low humidity; and, all indications were the COVID pandemic would be in better control enabling us to hold the Reunion with minimal risk.
Laissez les bons temps rouler!
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